To be set free, to run wild is a desire I believe we all possess.
In much the same way, most of my artwork over the years has been about breaking free from constraints.
From the explosive imagery of my Hypermass series to the skin-shedding release of my Rapture drawings.
My new series "Relics of the Wild" is no different. I want it to be a window into a state of wild freedom.
To allow your mind to run free, even when the circumstances of your life have you on too short a leash.

Recently I've been reading Jay Griffiths' book Wild: An Elemental Journey. This passage really stood out to me...

This new print, like all my artwork, is my wild light shining.
This new piece is entitled Villr, which is an Old Norse word meaning Wild.

All prints in this series will now come wrapped in my new Relics of the Wild bespoke packaging.